How To Tie A Tie
How To Tie A Tie

Whether you're a novice or not. Here are some common ways to tie a tie!
The Windsor is a strong-looking knot best applied to wider neckties and spread collars. It’s suitable for traditional, well-tailored ensembles and gives a very dignified appearance.
- Have the wider, longer end of your necktie on your right side. Depending on your height and neck size, the narrow end should rest somewhere around your belly button.
- Cross the wide end on top of the narrow end, going from right to left
- Loop the wide end beneath the narrow end, pulling it up, through the loop between your tie and collar, going from the bottom up to the front
- With the wide end now fully through the neck loop, bring it back down towards your left side
- With the wide end now at your left side, cross the wide end underneath the narrow end, going from left to right
- The wide end of your tie will now be back at your right side
- Bring the wide end back up and through the neck loop, going from the front down to the back
- Pass the wide end fully through the neck loop and pull it back down towards your right side
- Cross the wide end over the knot you’ve made, going from right to left
- Pass the wide end through the bottom of the neck loop, pulling it up at the left side of the knot, which is now covered by your tie
- Pull the wide end down, making it go through the space between the knot and the portion of the necktie covering it
- Pull the wide end all the way down, centering and tightening it as needed
The four in hand is a versatile knot. It’s one of the simpler knots to create and unsurprisingly, one of the most frequently used.
- Start with the wider end of your tie on your right side, making it approximately 10 inches longer than the narrow end
- Cross the wide end on top of the narrow end, going from right to left
- Loop the wide end beneath the narrow end, from left to right
- Cross the wide end on top of the narrow end again, from right to left
- Bring the wide end through the neck loop, going from the bottom up to the front
- Pull the wide end down, making it go through the space between the knot and the portion of the necktie covering it
- Center and tighten your necktie as needed
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